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A GATHERING OF TRIBES announces the publication of




By Pamela L. Laskin

Based very loosely on Judy Chicago’s “The Dinner Party,” which is a multi-media table setting, symbolizing the architecture, art and history of women, this follows the 39 famous goddesses, historical figures, artists, writers and social activists in verse. Pamela L. Laskin integrates the lives of the women with her personal narrative, creating a dialogue between the plate, the significant woman and her history. Women as diverse as Hatshepsut, Sappho, Ann Hutchinson, and Emily Dickinson live alongside her mother, grandmother and daughter, creating a whirling tour-de force of both history and dreams. It is homage to the ideals of womanhood. Elana Bell, recipient of the Walt Whitman Award, has this to say about the collection:


“The women in the first section of DARING DAUGHTERS/DEFIANT DREAMS speak with the sharpness and authority that provides a powerful counterpoint to Laskin’s lush language and imagery. In the second section of the collection, Laskin explores the mother/daughter relationship with a vulnerability that strokes the wound fresh and startles us awake!"


Pamela Laskin is a lecturer in the English Department at The City College, where she directs The Poetry Outreach Center. Ms. Laskin is the author of five books of poetry and several children’s books. CENTRAL STATION, her first collection of poetry, was the winner of the Millennium Poetry Prize and since that time, four other books have come out, including VAN GOGH’S EAR (Cervena Barva Press, 2010). She edited THE HEROIC YOUNG WOMAN, a collection of original fairy tales. In 2009 she received a grant from RF CUNY to work on DARING DAUGHTERS, which Stacy Parker LeMelle says can help us, “look to the female elders for wisdom as we struggle to love, to nourish and to forgive those who fail us.”




A Gathering of Tribes is an arts and cultural organization dedicated to excellence in the arts from a diverse perspective. Steve Cannon conducts a literary salon in his space, where artists and audiences come together from all artistic disciplines to exchange ideas, create peer relationships and find mentorship. TRIBES is proud of its artists, and excited to present this eclectic book of poetry.



For more information contact Steve Cannon, , 212-674-5576




The book can be ordered directly from the author at 414 5th St., Brooklyn, New York 11215 for a cost of $17.00