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Over Easy and Coffee-Shop Folk-Song

Antirealism (By Carl Scharwath)



I'm trying to

recapture the feel

of my body as silk,

lily-white and glistening

by the pale twilight

of an early 3am.


I was once

a temptress

in gloss-pink lips.

I slide my fingers

past the velvet-white

of my belly button

and wonder where

that other woman,

who was once 

myself, has gone.


I awakened myself

this morning with

a new desire

for an old thing,

made coffee in my panties,

fresh skin of my thighs

untouched but by

the gentle hug

of one another.


Today I woke up,

body buzzing,

more aware myself

than I could ever

recall this skin,

and wondered to myself:

What kind of woman

am I without

the ties that bind?


Raven (By Carl Scharwath)

Stacy Lynn Mar is a thirty-something poet.  She resides in a sleepy little historic town somewhere East of Kentucky. She's a self-proclaimed coffee addict and she collects vintage books.  Stacy divides her time between writing, homeschooling her daughter and daydreaming with her journal.  On cloudy days, she rearranges herself in the corner of a quaint, nearby café.  You can learn more about Stacy at her personal blog  And you can find her online literary zine

Carl Scharwath, has appeared globally with 100+ magazines selecting his poetry, short stories, essays and art photography.Two poetry books 'Journey To Become Forgotten' (Kind of a Hurricane Press).and 'Abandoned' (ScarsTv) have been published. Carl is the art editor for Minute Magazine, a dedicated runner and 2nd degree black- belt in Taekwondo.