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Artist's life

I'm your worst nightmare.

I'm leading the life you were dreaming of before you settled.

I'm living the dream you buried when realizing it could come true.

The dream you fear so much.

The one you never could stand in reality.

The one you’re still fascinated by in your hidden chamber.


Don't touch me. I might not be unbreakable.

You could find out that I'm true.

What would make it even worse.

A true person living your dream that seemed so far away.




Yes, I am fascinating. I'm fascinating myself, by the way.

Do you know what it takes?


And risk.

I'm putting my heart at risk. Every day.

Winning is one side of gambling. I could loose. I do loose. Every single day.


I love it. Not knowing nothing at all.

I'm leading an artist's life.

I don't believe in insurance. There aren't any. At the end of the day. None.




I'm leading an artist's life.

And when it hurts, and burns, and my whole life is crushing down on me

- I'm at it again.

It comes in waves.


»Come, my little waves, come you big ones: I'll be absorbing you.

I hate you. I love you.

You help me write the story of my life. 

You make me rise, and shine, and fall

I fly, and crash, and drown

but in the end of my story,

you get my feet back on the ground.«




Same with men. Oh yes, I love. How do I love!

While you are desperately trying to cover yourself,

while desperately running away from it,

busy to protect yourself from getting hurt

- I'm at it again.


»Come, my lovers, my beloved lovers: I'll be absorbing you.

You make me write songs and poems.

You help me write the story of my life. 

You're my inspiration.

You're my destinaton.

And I'm never knowing why.«




I'm leading an artist's life.

Every day is a white canvas I paint on.

Curious what it will look like at night.


I'm absorbing life to its fullest.

Don't stop me.

Don't cut my energy.

I am busy, too:

I have to get drunk.

I have to get high.

Busy to forget my name.

I have to get broke.

I have to win.

And all of that - to tell the story of my life.




Being a bad girl. Nothing of greater importance.

Being happy and glad, being grateful, sad, and mad.

I'm an artist.

It's my purpose to be different - they say!

Taking the burden of being different every day - could you do it?


I'm an artist.

I let the sun shine on my body every single morning.

Lying naked on the floor. Watching the day come in.

Don't laugh. I'm serious.




We are artists. We need to breathe.

To aspire the sunlight.

To feel the heat of the night.

We are so needy. Addicted.

It's a long, bright, shiny »Yes« to life.


Being an artist.

Watching the wave.

Do you want to join?

It's not surfing.

It's free-riding.