Some City Birds, Like Immigrants Also?

Like us

from foreign shores

Seen as far as Asia,

and Trafalgar Square

Dovecote culture in old Egypt

Others followed the grain.

Some assembled with

indigenous black birds.


Brought here by others:

Rock Doves and English Sparrows,

Starlings, not always Stern here,

Competitors sometimes in city parks

and sidewalk streets.

Some’s first encounter though

with a wild creature of sorts.

NYC Wildlife  .gov  Also? Yes?

Also, Yes


Symbols and Metaphors also

Not really after your dinner

But remember they will return for feeding,

even if it is an inappropriate feeding.

In general, for almost all

their mess is worth it, 

they don’t say this about seagulls.


Frenetic and wild of a kind,

For some a wonderful 

first and predictable encounter.

Wonderful addition 

to the cities sometimes drab streets.

We should be less laconic

because of them.

A way to remind of

the option of change. 

And the need for concern

for birds (and 

of course others),

can begin 

with them

for many.



by Ryder W. Miller