Posts tagged essay
Cries and Whispers

In light of the month-long centennial retrospective of Ingmar Bergman’s films at Film Forum, I am excited to share a piece I wrote as an undergraduate on Cries and Whispers as seen through a prism of Feminist Literary Theory.

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New paradigm blues are what happens in between changes. Changes are what nobody wants because while they are happening there is massive disorientation. New paradigm euphoria is what happens with the sort of hope generated election night. This sort of hope engenders possibilities for change. This writing is about my hopes for art’s possibilities in the coming times.

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Gusto de las historias con perras como personajes

La perra de mi vecina, pequeña, blanca, peluda. La lleva en su cartera con su cabecita saltarina mirando a todos en el tren, que ha tomado en la estación West 4. La gente sonríe cuando ven a la peludita. En la estación de la calle 14 un policía se abre paso. Intenta entrar al tren entre medio de la muchedumbre y ¡PAFFFFFF! la macana se suelta y achueca al animal.

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The virtual and partial symbolic representation for and replacement of the physical elements of human life are monumental alterations to the nature in which those with access and or witness to technology interact with and within the universe. As the time members of our species engage in and between simulated and physical realities fluctuates the pictures that our perception forms of the tangible elements of existence change. Moreover then henceforth artists' and viewers' respective expressions and or understanding of physical reality in the fine and applied arts in physical space and cyberspace evolve. Summarily one of the phenomenological progressions in this relatively new inter-dimensional dialectic addressing how both painterly and morphically responsive digital textures emerge with the facility of one paradigm translated into the dimension of another (as well as in what could be termed visually hyphenated hybrid forms) is "Hypertexture".

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